27-31 March 2024| Van Tarang, Rishīkesh
As one of our participants quoted, “This retreat was like a home away from home and a family away from family.”
This retreat was five days full of celebration. We came together and celebrated everything about each other. We celebrated our traumas, our successes, our tears, our laughter, our hugs, our alone moments, and our time together. We danced until the last drop of sweat and sat in silence until the depth of our hearts. We expressed our chaos and experienced peace. We celebrated who we are, as we are.
Our lovely participants experienced moments of courage when they narrated their life stories and embraced even the darkest secrets of their lives. They stood with their heads held high, accepting all their shortcomings, and became fearless through the entire process.
This retreat was special because we witnessed sibling bonds, couples finding newness in their relationships, families coming together, beautiful smiles, amazing wild moves, and fearless hearts. We saw twinkles and hope in the eyes and heartfelt laughs. We saw people becoming human and living their true nature, which is nothing else but LOVE. This retreat was an epitome of love, love, and love.