Anubhuti 6.0

24-28 Jan 2024 | Rishis International, Rishikesh

Eleven beautiful souls came together to heal their hearts, release their past, embrace their present, and gather all the courage and wisdom to create a beautiful future. A diverse group from all over India and Italy came together to hold hands and walk the path of healing together.

From the yoga asana sessions to wild dancing, they aced it all and emerged as the warriors of their lives. Each session brought them closer to who they are and what they believe in. They recognized the demons in their lives and chose to overcome them to take control of their lives.

In the middle of the Rishikesh jungle, they embraced the cold and soaked in the warmth of the rising sun. They took refuge in each other’s laps and allowed their hearts to open up to cry, laugh, release, hug, dance, and just live.

It was a magical retreat where we all were one, engulfed in each other’s energy, yet finding our individual selves. It was a unique experience witnessing such beautiful souls finding their way back home.