Anubhuti 3.0

26-30 June, 2023 | The Mirage, Andretta

This was our first retreat in Himachal Pradesh and Mirage became one of our favorite places to conduct our retreats. The retreat started with an amazing introduction activity, and once we broke the ice, the sessions were filled with loads of laughter, release, and celebration.

Yoga sessions never felt long or tiring; rather, they filled us with energy and rejuvenation. The hike to the top of the mountain brought a sense of confidence and joy, and the refreshing rain accompanied us during movement meditations. The chirping of the birds filled the whole atmosphere with natural sound healing.

Pranayama and breathwork helped the participants stay connected to something deeper within them. Each moment was filled with celebration, making them realize the value of life. Each soul found what they came for, whether it was a deeper connection with the self and the sense of divinity within, which they found through kirtan sessions, or relief from backaches through yoga asanas.

Whether it was the release from heartache or a sense of calm and peace, life knowledge given through Ayurveda sessions, or the fun and joy created through the dancing sessions, each activity and session was filled with an experience you can only gain in Anubhuti. Anubhuti 3.0 has proven to be an experience of a lifetime for our participants, and we vouch to create it for as many lives as we touch in this journey.