Anubhuti 2.0

05-09 April, 2023 | Van Tarang, Rishikesh

Our second retreat was an enriching experience not only for our participants but also for us. These 15 souls came from different backgrounds, different mindsets, and different reasons to attend the retreat, yet it gave us a sense of oneness. We realized that we are all a collective energy and part of the same life force.

In this retreat, we witnessed people rising above their fears and insecurities. They let go of old rooted patterns and embraced the beauty their lives uphold. We laughed and danced like never before, celebrated birthdays by cutting chilled kheer, witnessed the beauty of the full moon, let go of inhibitions, and hugged strangers, making them part of our healing hearts.

We learned new ways of life and gracefully accepted our shortcomings. We listened to each other and created a safe space for deeper healing. We created frequencies by chanting and meditating together, and we conquered our own hearts by being open and in love.

This retreat gave all the participants a new perspective and dimension to live their lives. Anubhuti 2.0 was an unforgettable experience that cannot be expressed in words but can only be felt.